As a Fitness Instructor during a global pandemic, I recognised the heightened awareness to hygiene, cleaning and bacteria transference. Whilst gym sweat towels are great at wiping the sweat from your body; wiping down your spin bike, weights bench or yoga mat with your towel doesn’t actually kill the bacteria, it just spreads it over your equipment & your body.

Silver as a natural Anti-biotic and Antibacterial can be added as nanoparticles into microfibre to create an Antibacterial Cloth. The nanoparticles of the Silver actually trap the bacteria, not just wipe it around like a normal sweat towel does. Like magic, the silver actually deactivates 99% of the bacteria preventing it from spreading on the equipment and your body. What makes our product so unique and even better, the Silver properties in our towels means they are “Odour-Free” too! That’s a god send to those Mum’s who have to clean out their kids sports bags 😅

With 2 sides of the Antibacterial Towels, we have created the plain/logo side to be used on your gym equipment, and the über cool design side for you to wipe the sweat off your body so there is no cross contamination. And you have a really cool design that is not plain or boring! 🤩

Early 2023 after travelling in our caravan I saw the opportunity with this amazing fabric to bring out a larger towel which is ideal for all things Outdoors & Travel. Our Lifestyle Range of towels are also Antibacterial and pack down to a tiny 300gms in weight. Our Lifestyle towels are generous in size at 180cm x 80cm and will dry in less than 1 hour, so no more boggy wet towels to pack up and even better, they don’t have to be washed so frequently 🤩

I really hope you love using your Gym & Lifestyle Towels as much as I love creating them for you💛